About TradeHub

Trusted Partner for Confectionery Industry Raw Materials.

Trade Hub FZ LLC is a prominent supplier and distributor of raw materials for the confectionery industry. Providing high-quality cocoa products and exceptional customer service to confectionery manufacturers and wholesale distributors across the Middle East and beyond. Established in 2018, TRADEHUB has become a trusted partner to businesses in the confectionery industry.

Our Vision

To provide confectionery manufacturers and wholesale distributors with access to premium cocoa products, exceptional customer service.

Our Mission

To become a Middle East leader in the cocoa industry, promoting sustainable practices and delivering premium-quality raw materials.

Products and Services

Your Trusted Partner for Premium Cocoa Products and Confectionery Solutions.


Cocoa Beans

We source premium cocoa beans directly from the top-producing regions like West Africa (Ivory Coast, Ghana)...

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Cocoa Powder

We provide finest cocoa powder procured from renowned countries like Spain, Germany, Netherlands...

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Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter plays a vital role in creating the luxurious taste and texture we all love in chocolate...

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Cocoa Liquor

Cocoa liquor, also known as cocoa mass or cocoa paste, is the heart and soul of chocolate. It plays...

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Specialty Fats

We offer a comprehensive range of specialty fats designed to empower your confectionery creations...

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HSE Policy

Health, Safety, and Environment Policy

At TRADEHUB, the health, safety, and well-being of our employees, partners, and the environment are paramount. Our HSE Policy reflects our unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest standards of safety, protecting the environment, and ensuring the well-being of all stakeholders involved in our operations.