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Welcome to TradeHub’s Market News and Blog, your source for the latest updates, trends, and insights in the confectionery industry and the world of cocoa products. Stay informed about industry news, innovative solutions, and valuable tips to enhance your business. Our blog is curated with a commitment to providing you with valuable content that can contribute to your success. Explore our posts and join the conversation today.
Exclusive: Ghana to delay more cocoa deliveries as supply crisis worsens
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Ghana’s cocoa regulator will borrow up to $1.5 billion for 2024-25 cocoa purchases, sources say
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Cocoa prices ‘bearish’ after slump, with traders relying on algorithms to predict futures
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Ivory Coast’s cocoa regulator suspends cooperatives for hoarding beans, sources say
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Cocoa Daily Prices from The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO)
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